Posts tagged with 'India'
Is There a Third Way to Think About Low-Cost Cars?
Is There a Third Way to Think About Low-Cost Cars?
Photo from By Ethan Arpi and Rob Katz While discussions of Ratan Tata’s 1 lakh car – and other entrants to the ultra-cheap car market – are nothing new to and many other blogs, the concept received another ...
A Penny War Drives Delhi's Deadly Streets
A Penny War Drives Delhi's Deadly Streets
One of Delhi’s many Blueline buses. Photo by vm2827 of Flickr. On October 27th one of Delhi’s Blueline buses, widely referred to as “killer buses,” struck and killed a young boy of just 11 years, the 100th pedestrian to be ...
Satellites for Sustainability
Satellites for Sustainability
Using satellites to map pollution. Photo by kennethg from Flickr. With the help of satellites, scientists are now measuring and mapping concentrations and global movements of air-pollution and, through a cool new project known as TEMIS, have made near-real time ...
What Do Cheap Cars Mean for India's Cities?
What Do Cheap Cars Mean for India's Cities?
An Indian street scene. Photo by Satbir from Flickr. Last week the New York Times and the International Herald Tribune ran a story on the new Tata Car priced at $2,500 coming out in India in 2008. Some time ago ...
Air Pollution in Calcutta
Air Pollution in Calcutta
Clean hair but dirty lungs in Calcutta. (Photo by Shayan Sanyal.) Today the BBC reports that traffic police offices in Calcutta will be outfitted with oxygen devices as a way to counteract the ill-effects of air pollution. The news item ...
Cheap Cars, More Traffic
Cheap Cars, More Traffic
Residents in Taiwan snarled in traffic. The latest edition of Business Week includes an article about car companies using ultra-efficient business models to produce super cheap cars that are affordable to the masses in the developing world. Lead by Tata ...
Winners and Losers in the Greening of Delhi’s Auto-rickshaws
Winners and Losers in the Greening of Delhi’s Auto-rickshaws
On March 30, Monica Bansal, a graduate student at Colombia University’s School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation visited EMBARQ’s offices and presented her research on Delhi’s auto-rickshaws. These three-wheeled vehicles carry thousands of city residents each day, providing an alternative ...
Air Pollution in China and India
Air Pollution in China and India
In an article published in The Guardian, Jonathan Watts and Randeep Ramesh describe the clouds of noxious fumes swirling around India and China’s industrializing cities. While much of the pollution can be attributed to inefficient coal burning power plants, the ...
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