Posts tagged with 'data'
What Is the 'Global Stocktake' and How Can It Accelerate Climate Action?
What Is the ‘Global Stocktake’ and How Can It Accelerate Climate Action?
This year is a critical moment for climate action. The mounting impacts of climate change, from floods and droughts to hurricanes and heat waves, are taking a major toll on human lives and economies globally — particularly in vulnerable developing nations ...
A New Approach to Modeling Commutes and Access in Our Cities
A New Approach to Modeling Commutes and Access in Our Cities
Getting around any megacity as dense and vast as Cairo, Egypt can be a challenge, even for the most able-bodied, well-traveled and well-informed commuter. The plethora of options for transport modes and routes has made it difficult to decode and ...
The State of Electric School Bus Adoption in the US
The State of Electric School Bus Adoption in the US
Editor’s Note: This article was updated in April 2023 with new findings from WRI’s dataset tracking electric school bus adoption in the United States, covering October to December 2022. To the best of our knowledge, these statistics are updated as of Dec. ...
Clean Indore Making Strides for Clean Air
Clean Indore Making Strides for Clean Air
Indore is known as India’s cleanest city, having secured the title seven years in a row in Swachh Bharat National Cleanliness Surveys, and it is now determined to clean its air too. On February 15, the “Clean Air, Clean Indore” ...
South African Cities Show Commitment to Accelerate Water Resilience at 2023 UN Water Conference
South African Cities Show Commitment to Accelerate Water Resilience at 2023 UN Water Conference
South Africa’s cities are economic engines, drawing workers across the country and the continent. Of the country’s 58.8 million population, 68% live in urban areas. Between 2000 and 2014, urban area in South Africa expanded by 1,464 km2. Population projections ...
Putting Women at the Center of Clean Air Action
Putting Women at the Center of Clean Air Action
A key objective of the Clean Air Catalyst is to exchange knowledge, build trust and foster opportunities to elevate the voices of those most impacted by air pollution, particularly women and low-income communities. Funded by the U.S. Agency for International ...
5 Lessons from China, India, Vietnam on Decarbonizing Transport and Accelerating Climate Action
5 Lessons from China, India, Vietnam on Decarbonizing Transport and Accelerating Climate Action
The momentum towards low-carbon and sustainable transport is growing globally, but the sector still lags behind many others and each country faces a unique path to travel. Political landscapes, regulations, industry interests, market set-ups, financial resources and social considerations all ...
4 Solutions to Enhance the Credibility of China's Subnational Transport Carbon Emissions Inventories
4 Solutions to Enhance the Credibility of China’s Subnational Transport Carbon Emissions Inventories
China’s transport CO2 emissions accounted for 11% of the world’s transport greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, following only the United States (21%), according to data from Climate Watch. And these numbers have been growing rapidly: The average annual growth rate of China’s transport ...
7 Ways Faith Organizations Are Making Cities More Sustainable and Equitable
7 Ways Faith Organizations Are Making Cities More Sustainable and Equitable
About two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050. While cities are hubs of innovation and opportunity, the increasing pace of urbanization also exacerbates inequality, stresses infrastructure, and fuels climate change, air pollution and other environmental problems. The ...
5 Key Transport Challenges Facing Developing Countries and What to Do About Them
5 Key Transport Challenges Facing Developing Countries and What to Do About Them
Transportation is a crucial enabler of economic development, providing people access to markets, employment, education, and health services. In addition to these development benefits, improving transport systems by making them cleaner, safer, more inclusive and more resilient accelerates climate action ...
Recalibration, Recommitment, Renewal: Top 10 Posts for 2022
Recalibration, Recommitment, Renewal: Top 10 Posts for 2022
Just as cities were hoping to emerge from two years of a pandemic, 2022 provided a new round of disruption, thanks to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and new economic, political and climate disruption. Oh, and COVID-19 is still here.  This ...
Public Transport Challenges in Africa: Mapping and Transit Data as a Remedy
Public Transport Challenges in Africa: Mapping and Transit Data as a Remedy
Long queues for public transport have become common sights during peak hours all over Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Under the hot sun or the heavy rain, people anxiously wait for the next public transport to arrive. Frustrated and eager to reach ...
4 Lessons on How to Transform to Zero-Emission Transport in India
4 Lessons on How to Transform to Zero-Emission Transport in India
Vehicle ownership per capita has grown five‐fold in India since 2000. As a result, passenger transport activity has more than tripled, and energy demand more than doubled from 2000 to 2020. The transport sector is the third largest greenhouse gas ...
Map of street access in Dar es Salaam
How Higher Quality Data Can Help Improve Urban Planning and Reduce Inequities
Local-level, high-quality data can provide powerful insights for urban planning and lead to better policies on mobility, climate adaptation, gender equity and more. But only if the inputs are good and there’s enough capacity to analyze it effectively. New technologies ...
4 Lessons on Increasing Transport Mitigation Ambition in China
4 Lessons on Increasing Transport Mitigation Ambition in China
Abating China’s transport sector greenhouse gas emissions, which accounted for about 11% of the world’s transport emissions in 2018, is key to meeting both national and global climate goals. In 2021, China updated its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), outlining ambitious ...
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