Posts tagged with 'buses'
The Romance of the Greyhound?
The Romance of the Greyhound?
When many Americans think of Greyhound buses, they think of several things: long, time-consuming journeys, malt liquor-scented seat companions eager to discuss the terms of their parole, dreary stations on the edge of town.  “Romantic” is not necessarily a word ...
Eat Your Heart Out, Google. Beijing's Got a Better Bus Map.
Eat Your Heart Out, Google. Beijing's Got a Better Bus Map.
For foreigners moonlighting in Beijing like myself, navigating the concrete jungle of China’s capital can be quite intimidating. Never to fear: The Beijing edition of E都市 (“E-dushi,” which essentially translates as “E-Metropolis”) is an innovative map providing satellite, two- and ...
Who Said Buses Can't Be Cool?
Who Said Buses Can't Be Cool?
Ever thought your public bus could feel like a “lounge or living room room on wheels,” with an electric motor, low-floor entryways, a glass roof, reconstituted-leather upholstery and recycled-wood floors? From Fast Company: High-Design Public Bus? Maybe in London Tim ...
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